同心对其 反败为胜


我在2月15日2020年, 星期六的中午, 收到消息说教会有姐妹 (Elaine) 确诊了新型冠状肺炎。 由于我之前一个礼拜就是在2月9日和她有近距离的接触, 所以我想应该需要被隔离。在问了我组长的意见后,就打电话和电邮通知公司的上司。 因为隔天2月16日原本我是要到菲律宾出差的。

公司收到了我的通知之后,就决定要取消我和其他同事的出差。然后当下我就要马上处理所有出差取消的事项, 由我另外一位已经在菲律宾的同事代替我的行程, 需要安排很多事情。 感谢神,这当中的安排都很顺利。

另外公司的HR也 要求我到诊所做检查。 当我到诊所检查的时候,发现体温高达37.7度,有发烧。诊所医生马上叫了救护车把我送到国家传染病中心(NCID)去,然后我当晚就入院了。 由于当时去诊所的时候没想到会被直接送到医院去,所以身上只带了身份证和钱包而已。 虽然隔天有人帮忙送东西给我,可是当晚被直接送入医院,实在是吓到了我。

住院的前两天还好, 就一个人在隔离病房里面,有很多教会的朋友和组长关心我,也有很多空下来的时间跟随教会的晨祷、读经、祷告等等。

可是到了住院的第三天,其实我很想回家了。早上当医生告诉我第2次的病毒检测(COVID Test) 是阴性的时候,我很开心,心想:终于可以回家了吧!但是医生却说,因为我前一天体温有升高到37.7度,所以必须要做第3次的检测。我顿时有种从天摔下来的感觉,我急哭了还发脾气。因为已经有两次呈阴性了,还需要做第3次检测!检测取样的时候,其实是相当痛的。虽然我能够明白这是为了自己和别人的健康着想,可是心里还是很烦躁,当天心情非常低落。当时就想:其实人真的很脆弱,没那么容易去面对一些突如其来的状况。


就在祷告当晚的当中,在我耳边不断的响起了歌曲的旋律和歌词: “我的神啊,我的神啊,我要一生赞美你,宁静时刻、暴风时刻、任何时刻,都要不停赞美祢。因我们要同心对齐祢心意” 。 也就这样,圣灵带领我创作了一首新歌。希望不久的将来可以和大家分享这首诗歌。



Align in one heart, turn defeat into victory

Sarah Lee Testimony

On 15 February 2020, it was a Saturday afternoon, I received news that a sister in the church, Elaine was diagnosed with COVID-19. As I was in close contact with her on 9 February, therefore I assessed that I need to be quarantined. After seeking advice from my cell leader, I contacted my company superior and informed him about my situation. I was supposed to fly to Philippines for a business trip on the following day, 16 February.

After receiving my notice, our company decided to cancel my business trip. Immediately, I arranged for all the cancellation matters. My colleague who was already in Philippines took over the itinerary on my behalf, there were many things that needed to be arranged. Thank God, all the arrangements went smoothly.

In addition, our company's HR also required me to have a medical checkup in a clinic. During the examination in the clinic, they found that I had a fever, my body temperature was 37.7 degrees. The doctor immediately called an ambulance to send me to the National Center for Infectious Diseases (NCID) and I was admitted that night. Since I did not expect to be sent directly to the hospital when I went to the clinic, I only had my ID card and wallet with me. Although someone helped to deliver the necessary things to me the next day, I was really scared when I was sent to the hospital that night.

The first two days in the hospital were still alright because I just needed to stay alone in the isolation ward. There were many church friends and my cell leader showing their concern over me. There was also a lot of free time to follow church's morning devotion, reading the bible, prayers, etc.

But when it came to the third day in the hospital, I really wanted to go home. During the morning examination, the doctor told me that both my COVID Test results were negative, I was very happy, I thought I could finally go home! But the doctor said, because my body temperature rose to 37.7 degrees the previous day, it was required to conduct a third test. Suddenly I had the feeling of falling from the sky, I burst into tears and lost my temper. Since there were already two negative test results, why the need for a third test! The process of getting the sampling is actually quite painful. Although I could understand this was for the safety of myself and others, I was still very frustrated and my mood was very low that day. It came to me that people are actually very fragile and it is not so easy to face some unexpected situations.

In the evening, I attended the church online 607 prayer and worship. I kept praying to God to strengthen me to trust Him because I could not have peace relying on myself and not to complain about what happened.

During the prayer, I kept hearing the melody and lyrics of a new song: "Oh my God, oh my God, I want to praise you all of my life, in calm moment, in stormy moment, in any moment, keep praising You. Because I want to align with You in one heart. " The Holy Spirit led me to compose a new song. I hope to share this new song with all of you in the future.

At that moment, I received the revelation that we must worship and praise God without ceasing, in every moment Regardless of the situation surrounding us, we must break forth in singing aloud and praising our God. Only in this way, we can go through the highs and lows of life and receive His revelation in praise and worship by aligning in one heart with God. With this, I was able to have the peace of mind to complete my quarantine in the isolation ward. Thank God that the third test result was negative and I could finally leave the hospital.

I learn from this episode of quarantine that not all things happen according to our plans. We have to believe that God has His plan, there is His will in everything and we must trust Him in all things. He is in control at all time and places and He has prepared the best blueprint for us. Therefore, in good times or bad times, we must seize the opportunity to worship Him, not only in this life, even in eternity, offering our worship to Him forever!