Testimony Eunice



我的左手肘,不知道为什么,在一个半月前就开始很痛, 痛到连举手洗头都不行。 我尝试了很多方法都没有改善, 我甚至去看中医针灸和推拿, 可是都无法医治。 所以最终我也只能祷告。

4月16日我负责带领607祷告会, 当我在祷告的时候,圣灵让我想起最近我们教会在背颂的经文: 出埃及记15:26

圣灵当下对我说,你可以宣告这节经文, 因为你听从了神的话, 你留心听他的诫命, 所以你一定可以领受神的这个应许。


是因为我过去一直没有办法背神的话, 过去一直都很忙,虽然我知道忙不是一个藉口。 我每次求神帮助我, 求神给我时间和意志来完成这个使命。所以我一直很警醒等待神的时间。 感谢神, 因为这次阻断措施Circuit Breaker期间,不能每天去教会的607祷告会和去公司上班, 那我就有了很多时间, 所以圣灵提醒我要我在阻断措施Circuit Breaker期间把120节经文背完,我立刻顺服, 因为这是最好的时机。感谢神,神也真的让我在3个星期里背完。这曾经我以为不可能的事,可是神让我经历倚靠圣灵的能力,我是可以做到的。


接着很奇妙的事发生了。在第二天早上天还没亮,大约清早6点吧。 我突然醒来而且是很清醒的, 这不像平时的我。 然后我看见一个影子,在我身边触摸我的左手肘, 我那时完全没有惧怕。 在灵里我知道这不是什么恶者, 而是天使。因为我很有平安。 然后他对我说:我已经医治你了。

接着我就要试试,是否真的得医治。 我就大力的甩我的手, 感谢神真的是好了,完全没有疼痛的感觉。 我很开心,还对那天使说谢谢。 然后又倒回去睡觉, 以为是做梦。感谢神, 睡醒起床后,我的手就真的没有再痛过了!这是真的得医治了。

这是我第一次经历神超自然的医治! 真的是太奇妙了! 让我赞叹敬畏! 感谢神!我要将一切的荣耀归于神!

God's Wonderful Healing

Eunice Hong Testimony

I did not know why my left elbow started to hurt a month and a half ago. It was so painful that I could not even raise my hand and wash my hair. I tried a lot of methods, even went for the Tradition Chinese Medicine acupuncture and massage but the condition did not improve. Therefore, I could only pray.

I was in-charge of the 607 Worship and Prayer on 16 April 2020. When I was praying, the Holy Spirit reminded me a Bible verse that I memorized recently, Exodus 15:26, “If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you.”.

The Holy Spirit prompted me, “you can proclaim this verse because you heed the word of God and keep His commands. Therefore, you can certainly receive this promise.”

How I heeded the word of God?

In the past, I could not memorise the word of God because I was always busy. Although I knew this should not be an excuse. I kept asking God to help me, to give me time and will to complete this mission. Therefore, I have been very alert and waiting for God's time. Thank God for the Circuit Breaker, I am unable to go to church for the 607 prayer and worship and unable to go to work in the office, so I have a lot of time. The Holy Spirit reminded me to memorise all the 120 memory verses during the Circuit Breaker period. I obeyed immediately because it is the best time. Thank God that He really let me finish memorising within 3 weeks. This was something that I thought was impossible but God allowed me to experience the power of relying on the Holy Spirit, I did it.

In the end, I did not think too much, when my elbow was still in pain, according to the instructions of the Holy Spirit, by faith, I proclaimed I would be healed!

Then something very strange happened. The following day, at about 6 o'clock in the morning, the sky was still dark, I woke up suddenly and was sober. It was not like usual as I saw a shadow by my side touching my left elbow. At that time, I did not have any fear. In the spirit I knew that it was not an evil person but an angel because I have peace. Then he said to me, “I have healed you.”

I shook my hand vigorously. Thank God that it was really healed as there was no pain at all. I am very happy and thanked the angel. Then I went back to sleep, thinking that it was a dream. Thank God, after I woke up, my left elbow was not hurting anymore! It was really healed.

This is the first time I have experienced supernatural healing! It is really amazing! I am in awe! Thank God! I want to give all the glory to God!