
GK611 晨祷生命读经
主讲: 丘均发传道






3.耶和华的救赎承诺(V6-8) 在这里神用了一连串‘我要’来宣告祂全面的救赎承诺,祂不仅要拯救以色列人脱离困境,还要使他们成为祂的百姓,并赐给他们属灵的产业。







1.摩西软弱 自我怀疑(V10-12)


2.神的回应 继续托付(V13)







2. 神的信实在拣选中彰显(V20-25)







Exodus 6
When God Says "I Will"

GK611 Morning Devotion
The Morning Devotion Speaker: Ps Daniel

I. The Lord's "I Will" Declaration (Exodus 6:1-8)

1. The Revelation of the Lord's Name (V1-3)

Here, God reiterates to Moses that He is "Yahweh" (the Lord). He reveals Himself as the eternal "I AM," the God who exists in the past, present, and future. He is not just the God of history but the God of now and forever.

2. The Lord Hears and Remembers (V4-5)

God is not a distant observer. He hears the cries of the Israelites and remembers their suffering. He is not indifferent to their pain but promises to act on their behalf.

3. The Lord's Redemptive Promise (V6-8)

God uses a series of "I will" statements to declare His comprehensive plan of redemption. He promises not only to deliver the Israelites from their bondage but also to make them His own people and give them a spiritual inheritance.


When we face the burdens of life, we must remember God's "I will"! God does not say, "I will try," or "I will consider it." He declares a firm "I will!" This gives us immense comfort and strength.

II. The People's "We Will Not" Response (Exodus 6:9)

When Moses conveyed God's words to the Israelites, they were too discouraged by their harsh labor to listen.

Sometimes, we are like the Israelites. We allow disappointment and hardship to make us retreat, preferring the familiarity of slavery over trusting God's promises. Today, let us view our challenges through the lens of faith and not allow difficulties to limit God's plans.

III. Moses' "I Cannot" Excuse (Exodus 6:10-13)

1. Moses' Weakness and Self-Doubt (V10-12)

Moses once again resorts to his "I cannot" excuses. The rejection of the Israelites causes him to doubt himself and question his ability to fulfill God's call. In his self-doubt, Moses overlooks God's power.

2. God's Response: Continued Commission (V13)

God does not alter His plans because of the people's or Moses' weakness. He clearly commands Moses and Aaron to carry out their mission. This shows that God's work does not depend on human ability but on our reliance on Him. In our "I cannot," we experience "God can!"


When faced with God's call, we often shrink back due to self-doubt. We must remember that God's power far exceeds our inadequacies. God does not look at our ability but at our obedience.

IV. God's Faithfulness Seen in the Genealogy (Exodus 6:14-27)

1. God's Faithfulness Continues Through Generations (V14-19)

This genealogy is not a complete list of Israel's tribes but focuses on the tribe of Levi, from which Moses and Aaron descended. It shows that God's plan of salvation was set in motion long ago, starting with Abraham. Despite Israel's suffering, God has not forgotten His promises.

2. God's Faithfulness Revealed in His Choice (V20-25)

The genealogy highlights Moses and Aaron's parents, Amram and Jochebed, ordinary Levites chosen by God to participate in His redemptive plan. This demonstrates that God faithfully chooses individuals to fulfill His purposes.

3. God's Faithfulness Surpasses Human Weakness (V26-27)

The text emphasizes, "These are the same Aaron and Moses," showing that God's chosen leaders are not disqualified because of their weaknesses. Despite Moses' reluctance and Aaron's later failures, God still uses them to accomplish His mission of delivering Israel. This reveals that God's faithfulness is based on His promises, not human perfection.

Conclusion: When God Says "I Will" (Exodus 6:28-30)

Moses again responds to God's call with "I cannot." Summarizing Moses' struggle, we learn this truth: God's "I will" overcomes our "I cannot"! When God says "I will," let us lay aside our excuses, follow Him courageously, and enter the Promised Land He has prepared for us!

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